If you are looking for a place of worship—to unwind, to disconnect from the world, and reconnect with God—we invite you to join us for worship.
Our primary focus provides a place for anyone looking for Bible-centered, Christ-centered worship. It is our goal to Challenge, Encourage and Equip everyone in this body through the Word of God.
We are currently a small congregation having gathered for the first time on Sunday, May 26. It is our hope you will join us for worship this Sunday.
Along with our time in God’s Word, we believe it is imperative to honor God through our music. At Four Peaks, we return to the grand and sacred music demonstrated throughout the rich traditions of church history.
We believe the entirety of our worship service is an upward, not inward expression of our lives before the Lord.​
Mission,Vision, Beliefs
To seek God first in all things, to honor God in how we live, and to teach Christ-centered basics so that we might grow in a personal relationship with Him.
To continually grow in our relationship with God to become better equipped to execute His purpose for our lives, and to spread His word.
In February 2021 Face Your Faith www.FaceYourFaith.com was launched as an online Bible study resource to encourage those who are looking for serious, yet enthusiastic Biblical life application teaching. Furthermore, it was designed around those who are hungry to grow their relationship with God and for those who are serious to Challenge their Faith to live out God's Word in boldness, sincerity, humility—free from fear and defeat.
Throughout 2022, Face Your Faith gained a listening audience far greater than anticipated. With over 225,000 visiting our website and social media channels throughout that time, and with over 10,000 messages downloaded over the course of the year, we began to receive a number of inquires as to whether or not a physical place of worship would be considered.
And today we are blessed and humbled that God as allowed us to officially launch Four Peaks Christian Church, Inc. as a non-profit 501(c)3.
The naming of Four Peaks Christian Church was adopted from a prominent and beautiful section of mountains known as Four Peaks, which is part of the greater Mazatzal (Mah-zaht-zahl) Mountain range. It is located just a short distance to the northeast of the Phoenix, Scottsdale, area of Arizona.
With regard to our logo that is associated with our name, it is a hybrid of the Jerusalem Cross and a Cross Crosslet. It was specifically designed for Four Peaks Christian Church.
The symbolism style of this cross first appeared around the 13th century, and has carried with it varied meaning and traditions. Today, however, we are adopting this stylized version to represent the four-corners of the world. It constitutes the mission we have been charged by God to undertake, and proclaim God's Word to all the World.
We sincerely believe many churches are quickly abandoning passionate teaching dedicated to equipping believers with a deep understanding of their relationship with Christ. Additionally, we believe many churches are no longer providing clear direction, and the need to share God’s Word with maturity.
Four Peaks Christian Church believes it is time to get very real, and back to Christ-centered basics. And once again, become hungry students of God's Word, and to worship with passion.
It is our goal to bridge and close the ever-widening gap of the drifting church back to what God desires. He desires knowledgable, dedicated, and prepared servant leaders of God to the world. and to love the unlovable and one another.
The goal is to see each of you get very real with your life in Christ.
The goal is for you to dig deep into God's Word in order to know it intimately, and to use it in ways you never have for both yourself and others.
The goal is for you to be well equipped to spread God's Word and live in freedom and in peace even in times of persecution.
The goal is to give everyone who desires to grow more deeply in their relationship with the Lord the opportunity to do so with great encouragement and in love.
Four Peaks Christian Church is dedicated to serving, encouraging, loving, and teaching everyone who is interested in pursuing a relationship with Jesus Christ, and to live as He calls us in everything we do.
• We believe the entirety of the Holy Bible, God’s Word, and believe it is inerrant (without error), God inspired, and God ordained.
• We believe in the triune God, Father, Son and Spirit, three-in-one, one in the same.
• We believe that Jesus, fully God, fully man, was born of the virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, was crucified, dead and buried, and that through death, the blood that Jesus shed was the ultimate and only price that could be paid for the forgiveness of all sin.
• We believe that Jesus was resurrected from the grave after three days, and is now residing with God in Heaven.
• We believe Jesus will return at an unknown time and take all who have committed their lives to Him by accepting the free gift of Salvation through confession and repentance.
• We believe in both the reality of Heaven and Hell, God and Satan, Angels and Demons, Good and Evil and free-will.
• We believe everyone is born into sin and must, for themselves, confess with their mouth and believe in their heart that " Jesus Christ is Lord and that God raised Him from the dead."
• We believe if one has truly repented and confessed that Jesus is Lord, they cannot lose their Salvation.
• We believe that both communion (the Lord’s supper) and baptism are integral parts of being obedient to God in our lives.
• We believe we are to honor God through our giving/tithing, prayer, music, and fellowship, and gathering regularly in worship.
• We believe that we are called to love everyone, in the same way Christ loves us.
• We believe we are to be very missional Christians, who are always prepared to give a definitive answer of the Hope that lives in us to anyone who asks, which is the testament of our faith, our life in Christ Jesus.
• We believe we are to honor God in all things to the best of our abilities, from our actions, speech, and appearance.
Please Click HERE to view our full Statement of Faith.